Classic Battlefield Modding Wikia

Navmesh Tricks

This purpose of this page is to show some navmesh tricks.

One of the big problems with large maps with lots of mountains, hills or other areas that we don't wont the bots to use, but take up a lot of navmesh area, because there is now way to avoid navmeshing those areas. We can restrict the combat area to minimize the area that needs to be navmesh to the minimum. That can avoid navmeshing extra areas on the edges of the map, that bots will never go anway, but it's a shame that we can restrict all those areas between CPs that we want the bots to avoid. If there was a way to do that, that could reduce the size of the navmesh and reduce the time it takes to create a navmesh.

Now, what if we used large objects to block out those "No-Go" Areas? We can overlap them to completely block out all those nasty areas we don't want to navmesh.

I tried it and it works.

Tampa manifold
Above is a mesh of the the ground. The rocky areas that I want the bots to avoid are circled
Tamps preopt
In the image above shows a mesh with restricted navmesh area and those large objects used to block out the No-Go areas.
Tampa infantry
... and in the image above, shows an infantry navmesh. I drew red lines to each of the No-Go areas which are successfully blocked out.