Classic Battlefield Modding Wikia
Geometry tab
Geom 0 1st person geometry
Geom 1 3rd person geometry
Geom 2 Wreck
Tweaker bar tabs
Save in separate file The root object in the hierarchy should have this checked.
CreateNotInGrid Keep unchecked. Unknown function.
CreateInvisible Keep unchecked. Unknown function.
CreateVisibleInEditor Keep unchecked. Unknown function.
IsNotSavable Keep unchecked. Unknown function.
TemplateHasBeenUsed Check this one. Unknown function.
PreCacheObject Keep unchecked. Unknown function.
CreatedInEditor Should be checked if object or part does not have a visible mesh. Example: Rotational bundle created in editor.
IsDestructable Check only if object is destroyable static object. Does not have anything to do with vehicles.
CastsDynamicShadow Check for vehicles.
HasRelativeOffset Check for cockpit parts if you want to reposition them. Makes parts created in maya open for repositioning, which is otherwise not allowed. Use carefully.
CullradiusScale Is normally set to 1. Unknown function.
Creator Last person to save the tweaks file.
NetworkableInfo For moving parts that need to be synced over network. "Basic info" for roatational bundles. "Spring info" for wheels. Put "None" for firearms (Including barrels on vehicles). And "None" for Player Control Objects.
Geometry The name of the object or part.
GeometryPart The ID number of the object part.
CollisionPart The ID number of the object part.
AiTemplate What Ai to use for this object.
HandleCollisionSpeed Set to 1. Unknown function.
Anchor Normally 0/0/0 Unknown function.
RelativePositionOffset If a part has the HasRelativeOffset flag checked, this its is offset coordinates. x, y, z values.
MapMaterials Normally left blank. Unknown function.
HasMobilePhysics Check for objects and parts that can move. Whitout it, the object will be stationary. Do not check for handheld weapons.
HasCollisionPhysics Check for all objects that has a collision mesh. Whithout it the object will not collide in the game and fall through the ground.
CollisionGroups Leave blank. Unknown function.
PhysicsType "None" if no collision.

"Point" if projectile.
"Mesh" if object has collision mesh.

Unknown what rotational point is.
PhysicsFrequency Should be 0. Unknown function.
Drag How much the drag from the body of a vehicle affects its speed. Without it, a vehicle will have an infinite top speed. Leave blank for all except air vehicles. This does not matter for ground vehicles.
DragOffset If you like to offset the drag from the center of the object for some reason.
DragModifier If you want different drag for the x, y or z axis of the object. Normally just 1/1/1. A helicopter normally has 1/0/1. To facilitate sideways movement.
Mass The objects wheight in kilograms. Matters only for calculating collision with other objects that have mass.
CenterOfMassOffset If you want to offset the center of mass for some reason. X, Y, Z.
InertiaModifier Normally 1/1/1 Unknown function.
GravityModifier A multiplier deciding the "fall" characteristics of the object. High number equals higher fall speed. Useful for projectiles.
IsSleeping Leave unchecked. Unknown function.
Grip Set only for wheels.

- Roll grip for wheels that are not powered.
- Engine grip for wheels that are powered.
- Engine dummy grip for wheel you want to make looking like they are powered, but actually arn't.

Dont mind the other ones.
Engines only below this:
EngineType What kind of vehicle the engine is for. Car, tank, plane ship or helicopter.
Torque The power of the engine. The value is in relation to the differential. Dont enter higher values than 5000.
Differential The length of the "gearbox". The value is in relation to the torque. A long gearbox will result in higher top speed.
NumberOfGears Number of gears in the gearbox.
GearUp Time it takes to shift one gear up.
GearDown Time it takes to shift one gear down.
GearChangeTime Unknown function.
NoPropellerEffectAtSpeed Unknown function.
HeatIncrement Unknown function.
CoolingFactor Unknown function.
InverseHeatBar Unknown function.
PropRotAxis For engines with a visible rotor, this is the axis it will rotate around.
Accumulate Unknown function.
PureRotational Unknown function.
HorizontalSpeedMagnifier Multiplier for the vehicles horizontal speed.
DefaultAngleOfAttack For helicopter main engines. Set to value that enables the vehicle to hover.
MaxAngleOfAttack For helicopter main engine. What angle of the rotor gives that results in max forward speed.
AttackSpeed For helicopter main engine. How fast the tilting of the rotor occurs when given input.
HorizonDampAngle For helicopter main engine. The maximum angle at which the vehicle strives to reach upright position.
HorizontalDampAngleFactor For helicopter main engine. How strong the damping effect is.
ConstantRpm Unknown function.
SpinWhenNoEngineInAir Unknown function.
DampHorizontalVelFactor For helicopter main engine. At what speed in m/s the helicopter strives to reach zero speed on its own. This only kicks in while deccelerating.
DecreaseAngleToZero For helicopter main engine. Helps remaining still on the ground.
DecreaseAngleToZeroVerticalVel For helicopter main engine. Helps remaining still on the ground.
DecreaseAngleToZeroSpeed For helicopter main engine. Helps remaining still on the ground.
AirFlowEffect For helicopter tail engine. 0 is "off", 1 is "on". When on it will prohibit the tailengine from turning the aircraft at full speed forward.
NoEffectAtPerpSpeed Normally 10000 Unknown function.
RemoteEngineInput Unknown function.
Springs only below this:
Strength Hardness of the spring. Set this value so that the hub of the wheel lines up with the axle. Set to 0 if this is a dummy wheel.
Damping Damping strength of the spring. Adjust until it looks good. Set to 0 if this is a dummy wheel.
RotateUV Unknown function.
FixAxisSpring Fix the axis to up-down movement only. Does not work.
Material Leave blank Unknown function.
IsPortalPassing Leave blank Unknown function.
IsPortalPosition Leave blank Unknown function.
ProjectileTemplate Create a new projectile or browse to use an existing one.
Velocity Muzzle velocity in meters per second.
WeaponType Set to 0. Unknown function.
ItemIndex Set this number to correspond to the number key with which the weapon should be selected. Also set for vehicles when a position has more than 2 weapons.
ItemType Set to 0. Unknown function.
HeatAddWhenFire How much heat to add per shot fired. (Cumulative. When meter reaches 1 weapon overheats.)
CoolDownPerSec How much heat to deduct per sec when weapon is not fired.
OverHeatPenalty Penalty value added to overheatvalue if weapon ever reaches 1.
HideFirstPerson Leave blank. Unknown function.
DelayToUse A dealy in seconds before the weapon can be fired after it's been selected. Sync this value with the deploy animation.
IsSelectable Uncheck if you dont want the weapon to be selectable with the number keys. Used only for gunners in aircraft and helicopters. They have their weapons as unselectable since the switching occurs automatically when you zoom the camera.
MinRotation X, Y, Z axis negative rotation constraint. This should always be a negative value. No value results in 360 degree rotation.
MaxRotation X, Y, Z axis positive rotation constraint. This should always be a negative value. No value results in 360 degree rotation.
PivotPosition For cameras. Offsets the rotational point in X, Y, Z. In meters.
MaxSpeed Max rotational speed, in units. There will be no rotation without this.
Acceleration Acceleration time to maximum speed, in units. There will be no rotation without this.
DeAcceleration Negative acceleration option. If you want different decceleration speed than acceleration speed.
ContinousRotationSpeed Unknown function.
InputToYaw What control will influence the yaw axis.
InputToPitch What control will influence the pitch axis.
InputToRoll What control will influence the pitch axis. Engines always use the roll axis.
AutomaticReset Check if the rotation should return to 0 after input stops. (Airplane flaps use this.)
UseDeAcceleration Check if deacceleration is to be used.
RememberExcessInput Unknown function.
LesserYasAtSpeed Unknown function.
AutomaticYawStabilization Check to stabilize rotation in relation to parent rotational bundle.
AutomaticPitchStabilization Check to stabilize rotation in relation to parent rotational bundle. Not working.
StartAutoRotateOnEnter Check if you want constant rotation.
DebugAutoRotate Check to test rotate the part in the editor.
Projectile On all projectiles
HasOnTimeEffect Unknown function.
TimeToLive Y is the time in seconds this projectile will exist. Also used as time for grenades.
Invisible Normally unchecked Unknown function.
MinDamage Multiplier to set the minimum damage the projectile can cause due to distance degration.
Damage The damage caused to impacted target in points.
DistToStartLoseDamage Distance in meters to start deducting from the damage caused.
DistToMinDamage Distance in meters till the minimum damage level is reached.
DamageOwner Projectile wont hurt the firer or firer vehicle.
TimeToRemoveTK Normally unchecked Unknown function.
AddToProjectileList Normally unchecked Unknown function.
TracerTemplate Name of tracer effect to use.
TracerInterval Set one for tracer on every shot, 2 for every other and so on.
TracerScaler How long the tracer effect will be as default.
MaxTracerScaler How long the tracer effect can be depending on projectile speed.
TracerSizeModifier How fat the tracer will be.
TracerConvergenceDistance At what distance the tracers (which start from the gunbarrel) and the projectile, which start from the camera, converges. Only relevan if FireInCameraDof is checked.
ArmingDelay Time in seconds till projectile can detonate after being fired.
StartDelay Time in seconds until the engine of the projectile is ignited after firing.
Acceleration Unknown function.
MaxSpeed Unknown function.
UseProjectileCamera Check if you want a camera to travel with the projectile.
Collision On all projectiles
HasCollisionEffect Will play effect when colliding with object. For grenades.
DieAfterColl Projectile will dissapear after coolision.
DieAtObjectHit Unknown function.
DetonateOnWaterCollision Dont know if this works.
Bouncing Projectile has bouncing properties. (Handgrenades.)
Detonation On all projectiles that can explode
ExplosionMaterial The damage material this explosion sends out.
ExplosionRadius The radius in meters the explosion damage travels.
ExplosionYMod Multplier for the Y-axis on the damage radius.
ExplosionForce Physics force applied to objects in explosions damage radius. Fades linearly from explosion center.
ExplosionDamage Damage in points at the explosion ground zero.
DetonateDistanceToTarget Projectile will detonate when a target enters this radius.
MinDetonationSpeed Minimum speed for a detonation to occur.
EndEffectTemplate Normally checked Unknown function.
UseMMOnEndEffect Normally checked Unknown function.
InvisibleAtEndEffect Remove projectile geometry after detonation. Normally checked.
StopAtEndEffect Normally checked. Unknown function.
Penetrate On all projectiles
NeverPenetrate Check if projectile should not penetrate, but always detonate on impact.
Components Right-click in a tweakerbar tab to components menu.
Fire Component Single fire for weapons with only one barrel. Multi for weapons where projectiles start in more than one location.
RoundPerMinute How fast the weapon can be fired.

Value must be a factor of 1800.

300, 360, 450, 600, 900, 1200, 1800
FireStartDelay Time in seconds from when you pull a trigger to when the projectile is actually fired. Used on the minigun.
FireLaunchDelay Time in seconds from when you pull a trigger to when the projectile is actually fired. I think…
ProjectileStartPosition X, Y, Z of the origin of the projectile from the center of the firearm.
FireInput What key will be used to fire the weapon. PIFire for primary fire. PIAltFire for secondary fire.
HideWeaponAfterFiringDelay In seconds. If you want the 1st person weapon to dissapear after firing. Useful for disposable missile tubes.
DropWeaponAfterFiringDelay In seconds. If you want a weapon model to be thrown to the ground after firing. Useful for disposable missile tubes. In conjunction with HideWeaponAfterFiring.
ShowWeaponAfterReloadDelay In seconds. How long after the initiation of the reload animation you want the weapon to reappear in the players hands. Useful for disposable missile tubes. In conjunction with HideWeaponAfterFiring.
DropWeaponAfterReloadDelay In seconds. If you want a weapon model to be thrown to the ground after reloading is initiated.
HideWeaponAfterReloadDelay In seconds. If you want the weapon model to be hidden after reloading is initiated.
FireCameraInDof Use for hand fire arms. Fire the projectile from the center of the crosshair as opposed to the center of the weapon model.
BatchSize Set to one. Unknown function.
UseDummyProjectiles Check this one to get a visible projectile dummy. Like a bomb hanging under a plane. Multifire components only.

When setting this you also need to attach a bundle to the firearm and make it into a barrel by right clicking it and selecting "make barrel". You can have several barrels on a multifirearm, and they should all be named the same. To have a visible dummy you need to give the barrel bundle the name name of the dummy geometry you wish to use.

Ammo Component For all weapons
AutoReload Check if weapon should autoreload itself after the magazine is spent.
AmmoType Normally 1 Unknown function.
MagSize Number of shots in one magazine.
NrOfMags Number of magazines in soldier or vehicle inventory when fully loaded.
ReloadAmount Normally 0. Unknown function.
ReloadTime In seconds. How long after loading sequence is initiated before the weapon can be fired again. Should be synced with reload animation.
FirstShotExtraTime For weapons that are loaded shot-by-shot. Used for adding time to first shot reload animation which is normally longer. Example: Shotguns use this system.

The normal reload time is used for all shots except the first one for these weapons.

ChangeMagAt Normally 0. Unknown function.
MagLinkWeapon If two weapon systems on the same vehicle should draw ammo from the same magazine. Type the "linked" weapon name here.
MinimumTimeUntilReload Unknown function.
Soldier Deviation Component For hand held weapons only
TurnDevAddPitch Deviation added to projectiles fired while moving the weapon up and down. Cumulative addition per shot fired.
TurnDevAddYaw Deviation added to projectiles fired while moving the weapon right and left. Cumulative addition per shot fired.
TurnDevSub Deviation subtracted per second from the turn deviation when not turning.
TurnDevMax Maximum deviation that can be caused by turning.
SpeedDevAddForward Deviation added to projectiles fired while moving forwards or backwards. Cumulative addition per shot fired.
SpeedDevAddStrafe Deviation added to projectiles fired while strafing sideways. Cumulative addition per shot fired.
SpeedDevSub Deviation subtracted per second from the speed deviation when not moving.
SpeedDevMax Maximum deviation that can be caused by moving.
MiscDevAddJump Deviation added to projectiles fired while jumping. Cumulative addition per shot fired.
MiscDevSub Deviation subtracted per second from the misc deviation when not jumping.
MiscDevMax Maximum deviation that can be caused by jumping.
DevModStand Multiplier for all deviation values while standing up and shooting.
DevModCrouch Multiplier for all deviation values while standing up and shooting.
DevModLie Multiplier for all deviation values while standing up and shooting.
DevModZoom Multiplier for all deviation values while standing up and shooting.
FireDevAdd Deviation added to weapon after a projectile is fired. (That causes the next shot to deviate more.) Cumulative addition per shot fired.
FireDevSub Deviation subtracted from weapon as long as it is not fired.
FireDevMax Maximum deviation that can be caused by firing..
MinDev Minimum deviation for the weapon. Deviation can never become less than this.
SubProjectileDev For projectiles that fires clusters of shots. This is the deviation of the projectiles within the cluster. Example: Shotguns
Simple Deviation Component For mounted weapons
MinDev Minimum deviation for the weapon. Deviation can never become less than this.
FireDevMax Maximum deviation that can be caused by firing..
FireDevAdd Deviation added to weapon after a projectile is fired. (That causes the next shot to deviate more.) Cumulative addition per shot fired.
FireDevSub Deviation subtracted from weapon as long as it is not fired.
Default Zoom Component For handheld weapons with zoom
ZoomDelay How long in seconds it takes to zoom in.
ZoomInput Key that triggers zoom. Normally PIAltFire.
ZoomLod What lod to use when zoomed in. A weapon with a special zoom geometry should use lod 1. Otherwise, set to 0.
ChangeFovInstant Check if you do not want a smooth transition to the zoomed fied of view, but a straight cut instead.
Soldier Based Recoil Component For handheld weapons
HasRecoilForce Check if weapon is supposed to have a recoil kick.
ZoomModifier Set to 1 if recoil should be turned off when zoomed in.
Default Animation Component For handheld weapons
AnimateOnZoom Normally check this one. It says that there is an animation played when the weapon zooms in and out.
Weapon Hud Component For all weapons
GuiIndex Put a number here to call a crosshair to be used with this weapon in zoomed out mode.
AltGuiIndex Put a number here to call a crosshair to be used with this weapon in zoomed in mode.
HudName What name will be displayed in the HUD when using the weapon.
EnableMouse Normally unchecked. Unknown function.
CrosshairIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
CrosshairIconSize Normally set to 32 Unknown function.
AltCrosshairIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
ClipIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
AmmoIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
AmmoBarFrontIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
AmmoBarBackIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
WeaponIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
HasMag Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
ShowAmmo Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
ShowClips Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
HasFireRate Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
HasRangeFinder Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
SwitchGuiOnCamera Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
DeviationFactor Multiplier of how much deviation will be shown in the hud compared to how much deviation there really is.
MaxVisualDeviation Upper limit for how much deviation can be show in the hud for this weapon regardless of actual deviation..
MinVisualDeviation Lower limit for how much deviation can be show in the hud for this weapon regardless of actual deviation.
EnablePostProcessing A number that calls on a certain rendering mode to be used for this weapon. Example: TV-guided missiles on Cobra helicopter.
Target Component For guided weapons
TargetObjectTemplate What kind of targeting system to use. Wireguided, laserguided or heatseeking.
SetTargetAtMaxDistance Check if you want no upper limit on guidance.
UpdateInterval In seconds. How often the game updates the target information. 0 would make it update every frame. Recommended value is 0.2, or every 5th frame, for performance reasons.
ConnectionEffect Name of bundle to turn on when a wire guidd missile is fired. And to turn of when contact with the missile is lost.
Player Control Object Root object of all vehicles

Root object of all passenger position

SeatAnimationSystem Path and name of animation system to usen in this position.
SeatParent Tha parent PlayerControlObject of theis position. (The name of the root object if this is the pilot.)
SeatPosition X, Y, Z position of the seat of the player in relation to the player control object.
SeatRotation X, Y, Z rotation of the seat of the player in relation to the player control object.
HasRestrictedExit Normally unchecked. Unknown function.
AltSoldierExitPosition Normally 0/0/0 Unknown function.
ExitSpeedMod Normally 1. Unknown function.
DisableSpawnPointsOnEnter Normally unchecked. Unknown function.
DontClearTeamOnExit Normally unchecked. Unknown function.
DestroyOnExit Normally unchecked. Unknown function.
DamageForBeingOutSideWorld Normally 999999 Unknown function.
VehicleCameraShake Normally blank Unknown function.
VehicleFov Normally 0 Unknown function.
SoldierExitPosition X, Y, Z position of soldier in relation to player control object on exiting vehicle.
SoldierExitRotation X, Y, Z rotation of soldier in relation to player control object on exiting vehicle.
ToggleWeapon Check only if theres is no weapon in zoomed out view. Example: F15 gunner. Weapon is only available when zoomed in.
CockpitLod What lod to display when entered in this position. 0 if vehicle has a special 1st person cockpit. Otherwise 1.
CockpiSubGeom Normally 0.
SoundFilter What soundfiltering to use for pre-recorded radio messages when in this vehicle. Available:


RegWhenMinInput Normally 1. Unknown function.
RegulateYaw Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles yaw position and strives toward centering it.
RegulatePitch Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles pitch position and strives toward centering it.
RegulateRoll Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles roll position and strives toward centering it.
RegulateYawInput Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles yaw-input value and strives toward damping it.
RegulatePitchInput Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles pitch-input value and strives toward damping it.
RegulateRollInput Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles roll-input value and strives toward damping it.
RegulateVerticalPos Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles vertical speed and strives toward damping it.
RegulateVerticalPosInput Used for helicopters only. This value counters the vehicles vertical speed input and strives toward damping it.
MaxVertRegAngle Up to which angle from the upright position the vertical angle stabilizer is effective.
NoVertRegAngle Angle at which the vertical stabilizer is longer doing anything.
ShakeFactor Multiplier for the camera shake.
SprintRecoverTime The time it takes in seconds from when you have sprinted to when you can spring again.
SprintDissipationTime The time it takes in seconds to deplete the sprintbar.
SprintLimit How many percent of the sprintbar must be reloaded before you can spring again.
SprintFactor Mutliplies the engine output when sprinting by this factor.
SpecialToggleWeaponInput The key you want to use to toggle weapons when you have turned of "weapon is selectable".
Vehicle Hud Component All vehicles
GuiIndex Normally 0. Unknown function.
HudName What the vehicle will be called in the Hud.
VehicleIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
VehicleIconPos Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
HasTurretIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
ShowCrossHair If unchecked, there will be no crosshair.
IsCoDriver Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
ShowInfo Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
EnablePostProcessingOnGuiIndex Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
SpottedMessage Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
MiniMapIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
AltMiniMapIcon Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
MiniMapIconSize Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
MiniMapIconLeaderSize Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
MaxClimbSpeed Hud graphics information. Unknown function.
Warning Hud Component Will enable laser warning against guided-missile weapons.
WarningType Decides what warning system to use.
FirstWarningSound Name of soundfile.
SeconWarningSound Name of soundfile.
WarningIcon Name of icon.
Armor Component All destroyable objects except players
WreckHitPoints No of hitpoints the wreck has. May not exceed MaxHitPoints.
HitPoints Number of hitpoints the object has on spawn. May not exceed MaxHitPoints.
MaxHitPoints Maximum number of hitpoints the object can have.
AttackDamage Normally set to 1. Unknown function.
AngleMod Normally set to 0. Unknown function.
SpeedMod Normally set to 0.05 Unknown function.
DamageFromWater Normally unchecked. Unknown function.
DefaultMaterial Material type object uses to recieve explosion damage. 72 for "hard" objects, 71 for "soft".
ExplosionRadius Radius in meters object will radiate damage when it explodes.
ExplosionDamage Max damage inflicted from explosion. Lessens over distance from center of explosion to radius maximum.
ExplosionMaterial What material the explosion radiates. Normally 70.
ExplosionForce The force on movable objects the explosion applies.
ExplosionForceMax Unknown function.
ExplosionForceMod Normally 1 Unknown function.
WreckExplosionRadius Radius in meters object will radiate damage when it explodes.
WreckExplosionDamage Max damage inflicted from explosion. Lessens over distance from center of explosion to radius maximum.
WreckExplosionMaterial What material the explosion radiates. Normally 70.
WreckExplosionForce The force on movable objects the explosion applies.
WreckExplosionForceMax Unknown function.
WreckExplosionForceMod Normally 1 Unknown function.
HpLostWhileCriticalDamage Unknown function.
HpLostWhileUpSideDown Unknown function.
HpLostWhileDamageFromWater Unknown function.
HpLostWhileDamageDeepWater Unknown function.
CanBeRepairedAndDestroyed Unknown function.
WaterDamageDelay Unknown function.
CriticalDamage Unknown function.
DeepWaterLevel Unknown function.
TimeToStayAsDestroyed Time it takes to hit 0 wreck hp once object has become a wreck in seconds. Then the wreck too explodes.
TimeToStayAfterDestroyed Unknown function.
ResetArmorOnRemove Unknown function.
AlignLastEffectToHitDirection Unknown function.
WreckDelay No of second before switch to wreck occurs after destroyed.
Recoil Component Mounted weapons with visible mesh that needs recoil.
RecoilSize How large the recoil is.
RecoilSpeed How fast the barrel goes in.
RecoilSpeedGB How fast the barrel comes back out.
RecoilForce How much backwards force is applied to the vehicle.